I love him
Or I love it
I can't name it
I can't touch it
I just know when it gripped me
My soul told my heart to trust it
Its opaque but unconfusing
I'm unsure just what it is
That thing that when I leave myself
Always shows me I've been missed
It never ask me where I been
Or judges me for where I've gone
He just tells me that I must come back
For the love of love I must keep on
They may be thinking
oh that's sweet,
is you talking about your man?
No but when it comes to love
it's the only reason that I can
Sometimes a soft caress
Other times it slaps me in my face
Sometimes it rights my two left feet
And takes me out of my own way
I can't even do him right in prose
Cause I just don't know the words
I just know when I was fading fast
He yelled "You must emerge"
And when my heart was paralyzed
Stuck in that hellish groove
It was that strange sweet something
That told my body move
I'm not quite getting there
I could never be
I only pray you get the gist
the power of that something
That reminds you exist
And he doesn't have a body
And he does not have a name
But even when I did most wrong
You know he called mine just the same
It didn't matter I was stupid
He ain't care I couldn't spell
He didn't mind I once took refuge
In the deepest nights of hell
He done rocked me out my lonely
To remind me that I mattered
And not for my girlish beauty
Or my hearty bellied laughter
not the magic of my deepest joy
the mesmerizing of my stride
But the strength in me that scream guh keep on!
When I most wanted it to die
I'm not talking about no pretty gospel
Nah This is the thing that broke the chain
When my frame was hanging off
The nail
It called out to me "sustain!"
I'm talking about a nuptial
Forget a diamond ring
Im talking about a strange that
Knew my evil
And still loved this ghetto thing
I'm talking about life
The thing of life
Deep inside my breast
That thing that wouldn't let me go
when I longest hold my breath
I'm talking about something that calls your name in all your dirty
That maybe you're good and special
But that ain't the reason that you're worthy
We are forged from shine we cannot see
A gold we cannot sell
That last white knuckle grip
That grabs the bucket out the well
It made me want tomorrow
For the first time I can see myself in old
It took the scrap metal of my yesteryears
And fashioned out a soul
And you can't see it coming when you most need it
you didn't even know it knew ya
A mystery how it draws out your chest
A crystal hallelujah
I won't yet call it God
I don't want to dissappoint you
But the way it held me up
Is nothing short of an anointing
Sometimes it's a scratchy scream
sometimes it's a song
but it always says the same
for the love of love,
you must keep on